10:55 AM
Analog-to-digital converter and DAQ system intellectual controller for PMT used very high energy astrophysics experiments
Nikolai Ivanovich Moseiko
(P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute, RAS; NRC«Kurchatov Institute»)
Anatolii Ivanovich Klimov
(P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute, RAS; NRC«Kurchatov Institute»)
10:55 AM
Charged particle identification with the liquid Xenon calorimeter of the CMD-3 detector
Vyacheslav Ivanov
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
10:55 AM
Development of medium and small size photomultipliers for Cherenkov and scintillation detectors in astroparticle physics experiments
Andrey Sidorenkov
(Institute for Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Science)
10:55 AM
Front end electronics of the Belle II Aerogel Ring Imaging detector
Rok Pestotnik
(Jožef Stefan Institute)
10:55 AM
Pinhole camera for study of atmospheric UV flashes and background at high altitud
Epifanio Ponce
(University of Puebla)
10:55 AM
Cascade showers in the Cherenkov light in water
Semyon Khokhlov
(National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute))
10:55 AM
Fully digital readout and trigger for fast Cherenkov counters
Dmitry Finogeev
10:55 AM
Cherenkov Detectors Fast Simulations Using Neural Networks
Denis Derkach
10:55 AM
The production of the large scale aerogel radiators for use in the Ring-imaging Cherenkov detectors
Alexander Katcin
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics of Siberian Branch Russian Academy of Sciences)
10:55 AM
Preparing the ALICE-HMPID for the High-Luminosity LHC period 2021-2023
Jordan Lee Gauci
(University of Malta/HMPID - ALICE - CERN)
10:55 AM
Silica aerogel radiator for the Belle II ARICH system
Makoto Tabata
(Chiba University)
10:55 AM
Neutron detection capabilities of Water Cherenkov Detectors
Ivan Sidelnik
(CONICET - Instituto Balserio)
10:55 AM
Strategy and Automation of the Quality Assurance Testing of MaPMTs for the LHCb RICH Upgrade
Konstantin Gizdov
(University of Edinburgh)
10:55 AM
Single-photon imaging tube with sub-100ps time and sub-10 microns position resolutions
Massimiliano Fiorini
(INFN and University of Ferrara)
10:55 AM
Prospects for future upgrade of the LHCb RICH system
Sajan Easo
(STFC - UKRI Rutherford Appleton Lab. (GB))
10:55 AM
Measurement of the p-terphenyl decay constant using WLS coated H12700 MAPMTs and the fast FPGA based CBM/HADES readout electronics*
Adrian Weber
(Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen)
Jordan Bendarouach
(Justus Liebig University (Gießen))
10:55 AM
Lage Area Thin Scinitillating Counters as Charge Particles Identification Detector
Alexander Gorin
(NRC “Kurchatov Institute” – IHEP )
Viktor Kovalev
(NRC “Kurchatov Institute” – IHEP )
Vladimir Rykalin
(NRC “Kurchatov Institute” – IHEP )
10:55 AM
Measuring the Cherenkov light yield from cosmic ray muon bundles in the water detector
Rostislav Kokoulin
10:55 AM
Characterization of SiPMs for Cherenkov light detection
Rok Pestotnik
(Jožef Stefan Institute)
10:55 AM
Development of alignment algorithm for Belle II Aerogel RICH counter
sachi tamechika
10:55 AM
Novel NanoDiamond based photocathodes for gaseous detectors
Chandradoy Chatterjee
(University Of Trieste/INFN Trieste)
10:55 AM
Front end Electronics of the Compact High Energy Camera (CHEC)
Jon Lapington
(University of Leicester)
Steven Leach
(University of Leicester)
10:55 AM
Developments of a mirror supporting frame, mounting scheme and alignment monitoring system of the CBM RICH detector
Jordan Bendarouach
(Justus Liebig University (Gießen))
10:55 AM
Operational status of the Belle II Time-Of-Propagation counter readout and data acquisition system
Yosuke Maeda
(KMI, Nagoya University)
10:55 AM
Tests of Cherenkov Electromagnetic Calorimeter for the HADES experiment
Oleg Petukhov
(Institute for Nuclear Research of Russian Academy of Sciences)
10:55 AM
To Discovery
Elena Cherenkova
(LPI Russia)
10:55 AM
Development of a web monitor for the water Cherenkov detectors array of the LAGO project
Ivan Sidelnik
(CONICET - Instituto Balserio)
10:55 AM
Quasi-spherical modules for Cherenkov water detectors
Vasiliy Khomyakov
(National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute), Russia)
10:55 AM
Fast LED based imitators of Cherenkov and scintillation light pulses
Sultim Lubsandorzhiev
(Institute for Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
10:55 AM
Optimization of electromagnetic and hadronic extensive air showers identification using muon detectors of TAIGA experiment
Arun Vaidyanathan