The work is devoted to reconstruction of the energy of the cores of extensive air showers, registered by the Cherenkov Water Calorimeter NEVOD [1] and the cluster of detectors of electromagnetic and neutron components of secondary cosmic rays PRISMA-32 [2].
Cherenkov Water Calorimeter (CWC) is a pool with a volume of 2000 m3 filled with distilled water. In the pool there are 91 quasi-spherical detection module with 6 photomultipliers PMT-200 in each. CWC NEVOD allows to measure the energy release of the cores of EAS.
PRISMA-32 is a cluster of 32 en-detectors based on ZnS(Ag)+LiF scintillator with an area of 0.36 m2, allowing to simultaneously register the electron-photon component and thermal neutrons component of the EAS.
Description of the method of searching for joint events in CWC NEVOD and PRISMA-32 facilities is given. Data on the response of CWC and PRISMA-32 to the passage of the EAS in joint events are presented.
The work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (grant 18-32-00214 mol_а).
- A.A. Petrukhin. Cherenkov water detector NEVOD. Phys. Usp. 2015.V. 58. 486-494.
- D. Gromushkin, V. Alekseenko, A. Petrukhin, O. Shchegolev, Yu. Stenkin, V. Stepanov, I. Yashin, E. Zadeba. The array for EAS neutron component detection. Journal of Instrumentation. 2014. V. 9. C08028.