In order to guarantee an excellent PID at SCTF, two Cherenkov counters are proposed as one possible design option of the final SCTF detector. Both detectors use the method of detection of internally reflected Cherenkov light, what is called the DIRC concept. The main purpose of these DIRCs is to separate pions and muons up to a momentum of 1 GeV/c with a $4\pi$ angular coverage.
Two endcap...
We developed Aerogel RICH (ARICH) detector as a forward endcap PID detector in the Belle II spectrometer. ARICH consists of 248 aerogel tiles as radiators and 420 Hybrid Avalanche Photodetectors (HAPDs) as photon detectors. Belle II conducted the commissioning operation in 2018, and then started the physics run this year. In this presentation, the operation and experience as well as the...
Modern high luminosity e+ e- factory requires fast electromagnetic calorimeter to collect the data efficiently at high trigger rates and suppress severe beam background. The prototype of the calorimeter for the Super Charm-Tau factory based on pure CsI scintillation crystals, wavelength shifters with the novel nanostructured organosilicon luminophores, and avalanche photodiodes Hamamatsu...
Large Area Picosecond Photodetectors (LAPPD) are a new generation of microchannel plate based photomultipliers being manufactured by Incom. These devices feature large sensitive area of 350 $cm^2$, high quantum efficiency ($\sim$20%), and tens of picosecond single photon level timing resolution. Initial devices use a stripline anode structure, allowing for high spatial resolution of 1-3 mm...