At the end of 2018 the inner subdetectors, SVD (Silicon Vertex Detector) and PXD (Pixel
Detector) were installed in Belle II. By the end of 2019 Belle II has collected a total of 10 fb$^{−1}$. With
the early data taken the charged-particles tracking performance of the detector was characterized,
reconstruction of known resonances and the capability of identifying displaced vertices decays.
One of the first benchmarks for B physics was the measurement of the B 0 −B mixing frequency.
First results are based on the B mesons semileptonic decay mode. The rediscovery of the “golden
mode” $B^0 \rightarrow J/\psi K_{S}^{0}$, a CP eigenstate, is shown along other $B \rightarrow [c\bar{c}]X_s$ decay modes.
Prospects for dark sector searches, CPV in Charm physics and other motivations for B physics
are discussed.