Kindly note that the Indico instance has been moved to the new address, All registrations made for events listed at the Indico home page, remain active and valid.

3–9 Mar 2020
HSE Study Center “Voronovo”
Europe/Moscow timezone

Light scalar dark matter coupled to a trace of energy-momentum tensor

5 Mar 2020, 17:30
HSE Study Center “Voronovo”

HSE Study Center “Voronovo”

Voronovskoe, Moscow Russian Federation
Talk [10+2 min] Young Scientist Forum Young Scientist Forum


Mr Aleksandr Belokon (Institute for Nuclear Research of Russian Academy of Science)


We consider dark matter represented by the light scalar field whose coupling to the ordinary matter is extremely suppressed. We assume that this interaction can be described as the coupling of the square of the field to the energy-momentum tensor. We study the effect of this interaction on the evolution of dark matter scalar, as well as bounds on the model parameters that come from the variation of fundamental constants at the BBN.

Primary author

Mr Aleksandr Belokon (Institute for Nuclear Research of Russian Academy of Science)


Mrs Anna Tokareva (Institute for Nuclear Research of Russian Academy of Science)

Presentation materials