In 2018 the CLAS12 detector started data taking with a polarized 10.6 GeV electron beam at Jefferson Laboratory (JLab). One of the quantities which can be extracted from the data is the moment $\mathrm{A_{LU}^{sin(\phi)}}$ corresponding to the polarized electron beam spin asymmetry in semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering.
$\mathrm{A_{LU}^{sin(\phi)}}$ is a twist-3 quantity that provides information about the quark gluon correlations. It was studied with a 10.6 GeV longitudinally polarized electron beam and an unpolarized liquid hydrogen target.
The talk will present an analysis of meson channels over a large kinematic range with virtualities Q$^\mathrm{2}$ ranging from 1 GeV$^\mathrm{2}$ to 8 GeV$^\mathrm{2}$. The measurement in a large range of z, x$_\mathrm{B}$, p$_\mathrm{T}$ and Q$^\mathrm{2}$, including not yet measured kinematic regions, will allow a comparison with different reaction models.