Nowadays the supersymmetic models are widely used to extend the Standard Model. In some realistic ones the supersymmmetry is spontaneously violated at energies of order 1 TeV. This fact is effectively described by a chiral sgoldstino multiplet consisting of a Goldstone fermion, goldstino, a scalar sgoldstino and an auxiliary field with a none-zero vev.
In the paper 2112.06083 we consider light sgoldstinos with mass about 100 GeV. Other superpartners are much heavier, so they are not active at the electroweak scale. Being the additional scalar degrees of freedom, light sgoldstinos contribute to the effective potential at a finite temperature.
We study the possibility of the first-order electroweak phase transition (EWPT) due to this contribution and search for region in the model parameter space where the EWPT takes place. Using the packages PhaseTracer and FindBounce we have found several points with EWPT at temperatures 60-140 GeV. We also estimate the spectra of gravitational waves produced during the EWPT. The predicted signals can be observed by LISA, BBO and DECIGO experiments.