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July 24, 2022 to August 2, 2022
House of International Conferences
Europe/Moscow timezone

Formation of primordial black holes after Starobinsky inflation with single field model

Jul 28, 2022, 5:54 PM
House of International Conferences

House of International Conferences

Dubna, Russia
Talk (10+2 min) Young Scientist Forum Young Scientist Forum


Daniel Frolovsky (Tomsk State University)


We adapted the Appleby-Battye-Starobinsky (ABS) model of $F(R)$-gravity towards describing
double cosmological inflation and formation of primordial black holes with masses up to $10^{19} g$ in the single-field model. Masses of primordial black holes in this model are beyond the Hawking limit $10^{15} g$, and this allows us to assert that primordial black holes can form a part of cold dark matter. Our results agree with the current measurements of cosmic microwave background radiation within $3\sigma$, but require fine-tuning of the parameters.

Primary authors

Daniel Frolovsky (Tomsk State University) Prof. Sergei Ketov (Department of Physics, Tokyo Metropolitan University) Sultan Saburov (Tomsk State University)

Presentation materials