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24 July 2022 to 2 August 2022
House of International Conferences
Europe/Moscow timezone

Dual formulation for the massless spin 2 theory

28 Jul 2022, 17:06
House of International Conferences

House of International Conferences

Dubna, Russia
Talk (10+2 min) Young Scientist Forum Young Scientist Forum


Ms Victoria Abakumova (Tomsk State University)


We propose dual representation for the massless spin 2 theory by the third-rank tensor field with the hook Young diagram. We start from the linearized system of Einstein equations which includes Nordström equation. Once the linearized Nordström equation is a topological field theory, the general solution is a pure gauge. Substituting this general solution into the rest of Einstein system, we arrive at the field equations for the hook tensor, being the initial gauge parameter for the Nordström equation. The degree of freedom count confirms that these higher derivative equations describe massless spin 2 theory. This dual formulation is consistent in any $d\ge3$.

Primary authors

Ms Victoria Abakumova (Tomsk State University) Prof. Simon Lyakhovich (Tomsk State University) Mr Daniel Frolovsky (Tomsk State University)

Presentation materials