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July 24, 2022 to August 2, 2022
House of International Conferences
Europe/Moscow timezone

Quantum chaos in nonlinear vector mechanics

Jul 28, 2022, 8:24 PM
House of International Conferences

House of International Conferences

Dubna, Russia
Talk (10+2 min) Young Scientist Forum Young Scientist Forum


Dmitrii Trunin (MIPT & ITEP)


Out-of-time ordered correlation functions (OTOCs) are widely used as a diagnostic of quantum chaos and allow one to estimate the quantum Lyapunov exponent, which reproduces classical Lyapunov exponent in the semiclassical limit. However, in most cases, OTOCs and quantum Lyapunov exponent are calculated numerically. We consider nonlinear vector mechanics with a broken $O(N)$ symmetry, which exhibits a chaotic behavior in classical case, and analytically calculate the quantum Lyapunov exponent summing the ladder diagrams in the large-$N$ limit. Furthermore, we explicitly show that in the high-temperature limit, quantum exponent reproduces the classical one.

Primary author

Dmitrii Trunin (MIPT & ITEP)


Nikita Kolganov (MIPT & JINR)

Presentation materials