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July 24, 2022 to August 2, 2022
House of International Conferences
Europe/Moscow timezone

Generalized method of symmetric embeddings construction and its application to spacetimes of general relativity

Jul 28, 2022, 6:06 PM
House of International Conferences

House of International Conferences

Dubna, Russia
Talk (10+2 min) Young Scientist Forum Young Scientist Forum


Mikhail Markov (MSU)


It can be shown that an arbitrary (pseudo) Riemannian manifold can be considered as a surface in a flat space of a larger number of dimensions. This approach, for example, leads to a modified theory of gravity -- the embedding theory. However, the construction of explicit embeddings in a flat space is a nontrivial task that can be reformulated as the solution of a system of nonlinear partial differential equations. The method that will be presented in this report can be used to simplify the construction of explicit embeddings for spaces with abelian symmetry, and in some cases, to construct an explicit embedding completely. It will be shown how this method allows us to construct explicit embeddings of manifolds of (2+1) dimensional gravity: a BTZ black hole with angular momentum and a magnetic monopole.

Primary author

Mikhail Markov (MSU)


Anton Sheykin (Saint Petersburg State University)

Presentation materials