8:02 PM
Dependence of coherent elastic neutrino neutrino-nucleus scattering count rate in the RED-100 experiment at Kalinin nuclear power plant on the models of reactor antineutrino energy spectra
Anton Klepach
8:03 PM
Spatial detector based on strong scattering scintillator medium
Artemiy Krapiva
8:04 PM
Estimation of the sensitivity of the NuGeN experiment to antineutrino magnetic moment.
Georgii Ignatov
8:05 PM
Commissioning of the 3D segmented neutrino detector SuperFGD
Maria Kolupanova
8:06 PM
Multifunctional Detector of Muons for Investigations of the Vertical Muon Flux of Extensive Air Showers at High Energies
Ivan Troshin
8:07 PM
Search for heavy neutrinos with the T2K near detector ND280
Konstantin Gorshanov
8:08 PM
Study of B_c to ψ(2S) π and J/ψ π decays
Aleksandr Kolov
8:09 PM
Search for photon-induced air showers at the Carpet-3 experiment
Nikita Pozdnukhov
8:10 PM
Study of semileptonic decays of B_s mesons
Nikolay Peters
8:11 PM
Study of the accuracy of reactor antineutrino spectrum reconstruction
Nikita Mashin
8:12 PM
Novel method to extract the femtometer structure of strange baryons using the vacuum polarization effect
Wenjing Zheng
(The Institute of High Energy Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences)
8:13 PM
Anomalous cosmic-ray correlations revisited with a complete full-sky sample of BL Lac type objects
Maria Kudenko
8:15 PM
Using effective parameters for model-independent constraints on the $Z'$-boson parameters at next-generation ${e^+}{e^-}$ accelerators
Dmitry Sinegribov
(P.O. Sukhoi Gomel State Technical University, F. Skorina Gomel State Technical University)
8:16 PM
Quantum effects and the effective action analysis in the massive two-dimensional CP(N-1) sigma model in the large N limit.
Gleb Sumbatian
(St Petersburg St. U., NRC KI – PNPI)
8:17 PM
$W_{1+\infty}$ and $\widetilde W$ algebras, and Ward identities
Yaroslav Drachov
8:18 PM
Ising field theory in a magnetic field: analytic properties of the free energy
Khristina Stepanova
(Lomonosov Moscow State University)
8:19 PM
Nonequillibrium Schwinger-Keldysh correlators and its analytic properties
Nikita Kolganov