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February 28, 2024 to March 6, 2024
HSE Study Center “Voronovo”
Europe/Moscow timezone

Anomalous cosmic-ray correlations revisited with a complete full-sky sample of BL Lac type objects

Mar 4, 2024, 8:00 PM
HSE Study Center “Voronovo”

HSE Study Center “Voronovo”

Voronovskoe, Moscow Russian Federation
Board: 13
Poster (A1 portrait) Young Scientist Forum Poster Session


Mrs Maria Kudenko (INR RAS & MSU)


Cosmic rays with energies above $10^{19}$eV, observed in 1999 - 2004 by the High Resolution Fly's Eye (HiRes) experiment in the stereoscopic mode, were found to correlate with directions to distant BL Lac type objects (BL Lacs), suggesting non-standard neutral particles travelling for cosmological distances without attenuation. This effect could not be tested by newer experiments because of their inferior angular resolution. The distribution in the sky of BL Lacs associated with cosmic rays was found to deviate from isotropy, which might give a clue to the interpretation of the observed anomaly. However, previous studies made use of a sample of BL Lacs which was anisotropic by itself, thus complicating these interpretations. In this work we use a recently compiled isotropic complete sample of BL Lacs and the same HiRes data to confirm the presence of correlations and to strengthen the case for the local large-scale structure pattern in the distribution of the correlated events in the sky (see the picture, where red boxes - sample used in [1], θ = 0.8°, blue stars - isotropic sample, θ = 1.3°, shading represents the weighted density of galaxies [2]).

[1] - Gorbunov, D.S., Tinyakov, P. G., Tkachev, I. I., and Troitsky, S.V. JETP Lett. 80, 145 (2004).
[2] - Troitsky, S. Eur. Phys. J. C 81, 264 (2021)

Primary authors

Mrs Maria Kudenko (INR RAS & MSU) Prof. Sergey Troitsky (INR RAS)

Presentation materials