The LHCb Ring-Imaging Cherenkov (RICH) detector system has been operated with very high availability in the LHCb experiment since 2009, performing charged hadron identification in a wide momentum range with high efficiency and providing crucial information for most physics analyses.
The LHCb experiment will undergo a major upgrade during the second LHC long shutdown (2019-2020), improving the performance of many of its detector systems in order to sustain the planned five-fold increase in instantaneous luminosity (up to 2$\times$10$^{33}$ cm$^{-2}$s$^{-1}$) compared to the current running conditions. In particular, a substantial change in the LHCb trigger and read-out schemes will be implemented to allow 40 MHz continuous data taking.
The RICH detectors will be upgraded by installing new single-photon detectors (multi-anode photomultiplier tubes in place of hybrid photo-detectors) read out by 40 MHz capable electronics, and by modifying the upstream RICH optics and mechanics.
An overview of the RICH upgrade program will be presented, including a summary of the expected performances and the result of the latest tests of the complete photo-electronics chain in laboratory and test-beams.