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July 29, 2018 to August 4, 2018
Russian Academy of Sciences
Europe/Moscow timezone

Performance of Planacon MCP-PMT photosensors under extreme working conditions

Jul 31, 2018, 3:30 PM
Blue Hall (Russian Academy of Sciences)

Blue Hall

Russian Academy of Sciences

Leninsky Prospekt, 32а Moscow 119071 Russian Federation
oral presentation [20+5 min] Photon detection for Cherenkov counters Photon detection for Cherenkov counters


Mr Yury Melikyan (NRNU MEPhI)


The new Fast Interaction Trigger (FIT) detector has been designed to serve as the main luminometer, collision time, multiplicity, centrality, and reaction plane detector for the upgraded ALICE experiment during Run 3 and 4 at LHC, CERN. FIT will consist of a large scintillator ring and 52 Cherenkov modules combined in two arrays. Each module is based on Cherenkov radiators with four-fold segmentation, optically coupled to a photosensor. Traditional vacuum or solid-state photosensors were not able to fulfil the stringent requirements imposed by the limited space, 0.5 T magnetic field, hadron fluence in excess of 3x10^11 1-MeV-neq per cm2 and expected performance during more than 6 years of service life.
The sensor chosen for FIT is Planacon XP85012/A1-Q microchannel plate-based PMT, which was modified by our group and transformed to the XP85002/FIT-Q-version. With the modified Planacons we were able to achieve time resolution below 20 ps, eliminate the crosstalk problem, and reduce the total length of the sensor. This presentation gives an overview of the extensive in-beam measurements and the outcome of dedicated ageing and magnetic field tests, as well as the description of the implemented PMT modifications

Primary author

Mr Yury Melikyan (NRNU MEPhI)


Prof. Ian Bearden (Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen) Dr Edmundo Garcia-Solis (Chicago State University) Mr Dmitry Finogeev (INR RAS) Dr Varlen Grabski (IFUNAM) Mr Austin Harton (Chicago State University) Dr Vladimir Kaplin (NRNU MEPhI) Dr Tatiana Karavicheva (INR RAS) Dr Jennyfer Klay (California Polytechnic State University) Alla Mayevskaya (INR RAS) Prof. Arturo Menchaca-Rocha (IFUNAM) Mr Igor Morozov (INR RAS) Dmitry Serebryakov (INR RAS) Mr Maciej Slupecki (University of Jyvaskyla) Dr Wladyslaw Henryk Trzaska (University of Jyvaskyla) Dr Michael Weber (Stefan Meyer Institut fur Subatomare Physik)

Presentation materials