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29 July 2018 to 4 August 2018
Russian Academy of Sciences
Europe/Moscow timezone

The production of the large scale aerogel radiators for use in the Ring-imaging Cherenkov detectors

31 Jul 2018, 10:55
Blue Hall (Russian Academy of Sciences)

Blue Hall

Russian Academy of Sciences

Leninsky Prospekt, 32а Moscow 119071 Russian Federation
Board: 26
poster presentation Technological aspects and applications of Cherenkov detectors Poster Session


Alexander Katcin (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics of Siberian Branch Russian Academy of Sciences)


Aerogel for different types of Cherenkov detectors is produced by a collaboration of Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics and Boreskov Institute of Catalysis during more than two decades. Until recently, only the production of two sizes was possible in large numbers: 50x50 and 115x115 $mm^2$.

This work is devoted to the development of the production technology of large scale aerogel radiators for use in the Ring-imaging Cherenkov detectors.

These detectors requires additional parameters to be controlled for each aerogel tile during production. Procedures of measurement of the aerogel tiles refractive index, the light scattering length, the upper surface flatness and the tile dimensions are described. The new precise cutting machine was developed and produced for aerogel tile processing. More than one hundred aerogel tiles with thicknesses of 20 and 30 mm and size 200x200 $mm^2$ were produced for the CLAS12 RICH detector. The actual data on the measurement results of controlled parameters are presented.

Primary authors

Alexander Barnyakov (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics SB RAS) Alexander Danilyuk (Boreskov Institute of Catalysis) Alexander Katcin (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics of Siberian Branch Russian Academy of Sciences) Evgeniy Kravchenko (NSU/BINP)

Presentation materials