Kindly note that the Indico instance has been moved to the new address, All registrations made for events listed at the Indico home page, remain active and valid.

29 July 2018 to 4 August 2018
Russian Academy of Sciences
Europe/Moscow timezone

Charged particle identification with the liquid Xenon calorimeter of the CMD-3 detector

31 Jul 2018, 10:55
Blue Hall (Russian Academy of Sciences)

Blue Hall

Russian Academy of Sciences

Leninsky Prospekt, 32а Moscow 119071 Russian Federation
Board: 11
poster presentation Alternative PID techniques Poster Session


Mr Vyacheslav Ivanov (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)


The talk is devoted to the currently being developed procedure of charged particle identification with the multilayer liquid Xenon calorimeter of the CMD-3 detector. The procedure uses the boosted decision trees classification method with specific energy losses of charged particles as input variables. The efficiency of the procedure is illustrated by an example of the selection of the events of e+e−→K+K− process in the center-of-mass energy range from 1.6 to 2.0 GeV. Special attention is paid to the detector responce simulation and calibration issues.

Primary authors

Mr Vyacheslav Ivanov (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics) Mr Gennadiy Fedotovich (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)

Presentation materials