Kindly note that the Indico instance has been moved to the new address, All registrations made for events listed at the Indico home page, remain active and valid.

29 July 2018 to 4 August 2018
Russian Academy of Sciences
Europe/Moscow timezone

Cherenkov Detectors Fast Simulations Using Neural Networks

31 Jul 2018, 10:55
Blue Hall (Russian Academy of Sciences)

Blue Hall

Russian Academy of Sciences

Leninsky Prospekt, 32а Moscow 119071 Russian Federation
Board: 9
poster presentation Pattern recognition and data analysis Poster Session


Denis Derkach (NRU-HSE)


New runs of the Large Hadron Collider and next generation of colliding
experiments with increased luminosity will require an unprecedented
amount of simulated events to be produced. This would bring an extreme
challenge to the computing resources. Thus new approaches to events
generation and simulation of detector responses are needed. Cherenkov
detectors, being relatively slow to simulate, are well suited for
applying recent approaches to fast simulations using neural networks. We
propose a way to simulate cherenkov detector response using a generative
neural network to bypass low level details. This network is trained to
reproduce high level features of the simulated detector events based on
input observables of incident particle. This allows the dramatic
increase of simulation speed. We demonstrate that this approach provides
simulation precision which is consistent with the baseline and discuss
possible implication of these results.

Primary authors

Presentation materials